
23 July 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

University of Strasbourg thesis prize 2023

Maxime Verdier, one of the 22 winners

23 July 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

Episodes 1 & 2

#1 What does silica do? #2 Can plants learn?

05 June 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar


Last variety registered

03 June 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

A great entomologist retires

Retirement of Etienne Herrbach

21 May 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

Can plants be vaccinated?

Pint of Science may 2024

15 May 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

Press release 7 mai 2024

Launch of GrapeBreed4IPM, a European project for sustainable solutions in viticulture

15 May 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

2023 GMV team publication

Publication selected as a highlight by the SPE Department

15 May 2024

By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

New publication in Phytopathology

Turnip yellows virus optimizes aphid transmission by manipulating the plant it infects

07 June 2023

By: Inra Grand Est-Colmar TTT

Thuy Thanh TRUONG thesis defense

Thursday, January 30, 9h30 UHA amphitheater, Thuy Thanh TRUONG thesis defense