Press release

Press release 7 mai 2024

Launch of GrapeBreed4IPM, a European project for sustainable solutions in viticulture

Logo GrapeBreed4IPM
Logo Europe

Viticulture is one of the largest agri-food export sectors in the European Union. Given the economic and cultural importance of wine in Europe, supporting the sector in a transition to new practices is essential to ensuring its viability in the coming decades. The development of disease-resistant grapevine varieties and consumer perception lie at the heart of the Horizon Europe “GrapeBreed4IPM” project*. Coordinated by INRAE, this four-year project brings together 19 partners and two affiliated partners from seven countries to develop decision-making tools for grapevine professionals that will help them sustainably manage their vineyards in adherence with European standards.

Read the press release

Scientific contact
Komlan Avia –
Project coordinator GrapeBreed4IPM
UMR 1131 Santé de la vigne et qualité du vin
Départements scientifiques Biologie et amélioration des plantes (BAP) et Santé des plantes et environnement (SPE)
INRAE Grand Est-Colmar

Press contact
Service de presse INRAE : 01 42 75 91 86 –