National workshop VITIREPERE PNPP

National workshop VITIREPERE PNPP

Institut Agro Montpellier, January 23 and 24

Atelier national

A workshop on the research project on knowledge and know-how related to the use of Natural Preparations of Little Concern (PNPP) was held at the Institut Agro de Montpellier on January 23 and 24, 2025 (

Around 100 people, including 70 winegrowers from many of France's winegrowing regions, attended the worshop. We shared with them the results of our initial analyses of data from meetings in 10 winegrowing regions and interviews with 250 winegrowers or people from the industry.

During specific regional and inter-regional workshops, we worked on vineyard frescoes in order to clarify and discuss the key decisions regarding the use of PNPPs, in connection with the use of copper and sulfur to treat vines. This consensus on practices was then re-discussed, in order to clarify changes in the use of PNPPs in the face of climatic hazards, or very strong disease pressure.
Finally, collective work was carried out, again in workshops, to specify, within a gradient of certainty, how the key decisions and uses of PNPPs were positioned. The data gathered during this work, in the human sciences as well as the agronomic sciences, recognizes the winegrowers' experiential knowledge, as well as the proven scientific knowledge on PNPPs. Claude Compagnone, the workshop's keynote speaker, gave us his analysis of the work he had observed, and put it into perspective in relation to the question of collective mobilization.
Here we are with a quality harvest that we are going to vinify together, winemakers and researchers, within a precise epistemological framework: that of REPERE participative action research.

Ombeline Brunois, Isabelle Soustre-Gacougnolle, Mélanie Gellon, Mireille Perrin, Maxime Madouas, Romain Pierron, Jean Masson.
With organizational support from Patricia, Audrey and Océane.