
Server for bioinformatic and biostatistical analyzes

Person in charge: Camille Rustenholz

Bandeau serveur bioinfo

A computer server for processing large datasets in:

  • genomics (genome assembly, resequencing, transcriptomics, etc.)
  • quantitative genetics (genotyping, genetic mapping, QTL detection, etc.)
  • metabolomics (targeted and non-targeted GC and LC-MS analyses)


  • Cluster de 5 nodes
  • 162 CPU
  • 1,5To of RAM
  • 90To of workspace

On-line resources

Logo Grapedia

Moretto M, Navarro-Payá D, Santiago A, Orduña L, Velt A, Rustenholz C*, Matus JT*. GRAPEDIA: The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia, an innovative portal to integrate knowledge, resources and services for the grape scientific community and industry.

Logo Great

Velt A, Renault L, Arista G, Russell P, Duchêne É, Hugueney P, Rustenholz C. GREAT, GRapevine Expression ATlas: all in one, a curated database, an analysis workflow and a web application to analyze Vitis vinifera public RNA-seq data.

The computer server was co-financed by the Départements Biologie et Amélioration des Plantes (BAP) et Santé des Plantes et Environnement (SPE) of INRAE, the University of Strasbourg, l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) and Jean Poupelain Foundation.