Microscopy platform

Microscopy platform

Illustration du matériel du plateau d'imagerie de colmar

A microscopy platform to: 

  • monitor pathogens during the infectious cycle (plant viruses, antibodies or viral proteins, fungi ...) 
  • study plant defense and resistance mechanisms during infection
  • observe tissues from the whole plant down to the cellular level


  • AxioZoom V16 ZEISS epifluorescence macroscope
  • AxioImager M2 ZEISS epifluorescence microscope, equipped with structured light (ApoTome)
  • LEICA vibratome
  • Leica microtome
  • Transmission Electron Microscope PHILIPS EM208 (with LEICA Ultracut ultramicrotome)

The platform has been co-financed with the support of Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'InnovationConseil Départemental du Haut Rhin and Région Grand Est (Alsace)