Grapevine Genomics and Metabolism

Grapevine Genomics and Metabolism

The GMV team is led by Philippe Hugueney.

GMV grape seq

Team description and research topics


GMV Pat labo



The team comprises 14 people: 7 permanent INRAE staff (1 DR, 1 CR1, 1 IR, 3 IE, 1 TR), 2 University of Strasbourg staff (1 MDC, 1 IR) and 5 fixed-term contract staff (1 post-doc, 1 PhD student, 1 IR, 2 IE) (as at March 1, 2024).


In recent years, the GMV team has focused on understanding the determinism of grapevine metabolism, in relation to grape and wine quality and resistance to pests and diseases. The team combines metabolomics, structural genomics and functional genomics approaches to identify the major genes determining grape and wine quality, and to gain a better understanding of the metabolic bases of tolerance and/or sensitivity to bioaggressors.

GMV bouteille

At operational level, the team is made up of two thematic groups: the "Genomics and genome knowledge" group, led by Camille Rustenholz (MDC at the University of Strasbourg and deputy team leader), and the "Vine metabolism" group, led by Philippe Hugueney (DR INRAE and team leader). These two themes are naturally closely associated within the GMV team, enabling the team to master all omics data integration approaches for optimizing the creation of the vine varieties of the future. The team's research themes are structured along three axes:

  • Towards a better understanding of meiotic recombination
  • Determining wine quality and typicity
  • Metabolism and resistance: Exploiting specialized metabolism as a source of tolerance to pests and diseases.


The team manages the UMR SVQV's analytical platform and computer server.

The team also uses genetic approaches to search for candidate genes associated with traits of interest. These approaches are carried out in close collaboration with the Génétique et Amélioration de la Vigne (GAV) team, which has the appropriate genetic expertise and plant material. Finally, the team collaborates with the Virology and Vection (ViVe) team on the identification of sources of resistance to grapevine dwarfing virus and the understanding of viral multi-infections in the context of beet yellows disease. Finally, the GMV team is recognized for its expertise in structural and functional genomics applied to specialized plant metabolism, an expertise that is at the heart of numerous national and international collaborations.

GMV +s photos

Major projects

  • ApoStress
  • FunDur
  • WiVitis

Major publications

GMV Hort Research
  • Shi X, Cao S, Wang X, Huang S, Wang Y, Liu Z, Liu W, Leng X, Peng Y, Wang N, Wang Y, Ma Z, Xu X, Zhang F, Xue H, Zhong H, Wang Y, Zhang K, Velt A, Avia K, Holtgräwe D, Grimplet J, Matus JT, Ware D, Wu X, Wang H, Liu C, Fang Y, Rustenholz C*, Cheng Z*, Xiao H*, Zhou Y* (2023) The complete reference genome for grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) genetics and breeding. Hortic Res. doi: 10.1093/hr/uhad061    *co-derniers auteurs
  • Velt A, Frommer B, Blanc S, Holtgräwe D, Duchêne É, Dumas V, Grimplet J, Hugueney P, Kim C, Lahaye M, Matus JT, Navarro-Payá D, Orduña L, Tello-Ruiz MK, Vitulo N, Ware D, Rustenholz C (2023) An improved reference of the grapevine genome reasserts the origin of the PN40024 highly homozygous genotype. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics. doi: 10.1093/G3JOURNAL/JKAD067
  • Olazcuaga L*, Baltenweck R*, Leménager N, Maia-Grondard A, Claudel P, Hugueney P*, Foucaud J* (2023) Metabolic consequences of various fruit-based diets in a generalist insect species. Elife 12:e84370. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84370. *co-premiers ou auteurs co-derniers auteurs
  • Badouin H, Velt A, Gindraud F, Flutre T, Dumas V, Vautrin S, Marande W, Corbi J, Sallet E, Ganofsky J, Santoni S, Guyot D, Ricciardelli E, Jepsen K, Käfer J, Berges H, Duchêne E, Picard F, Hugueney P, Tavares R, Bacilieri R*, Rustenholz C*, Marais G* (2020) The wild grape genome sequence provides insights into the transition from dioecy to hermaphroditism during grape domestication. Genome Biol 1–24.      *co-derniers auteurs          Recommandé par Charlesworth D: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Badouin H et al., Genome Biol 2020 21(1):223]. In Faculty Opinions, 10 Nov 2020; 10.3410/f.738628457.793579660
  • Delame M, Prado E, Blanc S, Robert-Siegwald G, Schneider C, Mestre P, Rustenholz C, Merdinoglu D (2018) Introgression reshapes recombination distribution in grapevine interspecific hybrids. Theor Appl Genet. doi: 10.1007/s00122-018-3260-x
  • Negrel L, Halter D, Wiedemann-Merdinoglu S, Rustenholz C, Merdinoglu D, Hugueney P, Baltenweck R (2018) Identification of Lipid Markers of Plasmopara viticola Infection in Grapevine Using a Non-targeted Metabolomic Approach. Front Plant Sci. 9:360.
GMV Science Rose
  • Ilc T, Halter D, Miesch L, Lauvoisard F, Kriegshauser L, Ilg A, Baltenweck R, Hugueney P, Werck-Reichhart D, Duchêne E, Navrot N (2017). A grapevine cytochrome P450 generates the precursor of wine lactone, a key odorant in wine. New Phytologist, 213, 264-274.
  • Magnard JL, Roccia A, Caissard JC, Vergne P, Sun P, Hecquet R, Dubois, A, Hibrand- Saint Oyant L, Jullien F, Nicolè F, Raymond O, Huguet S, Baltenweck-Guyot R, Meyer S, Claudel P, Jeauffre J, Rohmer M, Foucher F, Hugueney P*, Bendahmane M*, Baudino S* (2015). Biosynthesis of monoterpene scent compounds in roses. Science, 349 (6243), 81-83. * co-derniers auteurs
  • Guillaumie S, Ilg A, Réty S, Brette M, Trossat-Magnin C, Decroocq S, Léon C, Keime C, Ye T, Baltenweck-Guyot R, Claudel P, Bordenave L, Vanbrabant S, Duchêne E, Delrot S, Darriet P, Hugueney P*, Gomès E* (2013) Genetic analysis of the biosynthesis of 2-methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine, a major grape-derived aroma compound impacting wine quality. Plant Physiol 162: 604–615. * co-derniers auteurs



  • INRAE Montpellier (AGAP, CBGP), Bordeaux (EGFV, BIOGECO), Angers (IRHS), Evry (EPGV)
  • Université de Haute Alsace, Université de Lorraine, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale de Calais, Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne, Comité Champagne
  • Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (Allemagne), Julius Kühn-Institut (Allemagne), Staatliches Weinbauinstitut Freiburg (Allemagne), Université de Freiburg (Allemagne), Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinpfalz de Neustadt (Allemagne), CeBiTech (Allemagne), CIBIO Porto (Portugal), TomsBiolab (Espagne), CITA (Espagne), Fondazione Edmund Mach (Italie), Université de Padoue (Italie), CSHL (États-Unis)