AGIR : acting on aphid behavior to reduce the transmission of sugar beet yellows virus

  • Funding: Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) Ecophyto-Maturation
  • Duration: 2024-2026
  • Abstract
  • Contact: Quentin CHESNAIS (
  • Coordinator: Institut Technique de la Betterave

ApoStress : New apocarotenoid plant growth regulators and their role in climatic stress tolerance

  • Funding: Agence nationale de la recherche
  • Duration:  2022-2024
  • Contacts: Philippe Hugueney & Eric Duchêne

FunDur : Fonctional dissection of resistance mechanisms used in grapevine breeding programs for durable resistance to downy mildew 

  • Funding: ANR international
  • Duration:  2023-2025
  • Contact: Philippe Hugueney

GrapeBreed4IPM : Varietal innovation as a lever for integrated pest management in viticulture

Logo GrapeBreed4IPM
Logo Europe
  • Funding: Horizon Europe
  • Press release
  • Duration : 2024-2028
  • Contact : Komlan Avia


GRAPEDIA : The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia

Logo Grapedia
  • Funding: COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
  • Duration:  2022-2023
  • Contact and coordination: Camille Rustenholz

GreenPeas : Investigation of the pea factors involved in aphid-mediated infection of Pea Enation Mosaic Virus

  • Funding: Agence nationale de la recherche
  • Duration: 2024-2028
  • Abstract
  • Contact : Martin Drucker

LutEnVi : Control viral leafroll in grapevines through collective and integrative management

  • Funding: Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire - Plan National Dépérissement du Vignoble
  • Duration: 2021-2024
  • Contact: Céline Abidon (Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin)

ManiVir : Host and vector manipulation following multi-infection of aphid transmitted viruses in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris

  • Funding: Projet International Agence nationale de la recherche - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Duration: 2024-2027
  • Abstract
  • Contact: Martin Drucker

MODEFY : MOnitoring and DEFence measures against Yellowing virus diseases in sugar beet

  • Funding:  Régions Ile de France & Grand Est
  • Duration: 2021-2024
  • Contact: Véronique Brault 

PIVERT : Removing off-flavour components from pea seeds

  • Financeur : Agence nationale de la recherche
  • Durée :  2023-2025
  • Contact : Philippe Hugueney

ProtectMe : Towards an understanding of the mechanisms underlying premunition against grapevine fanleaf virus

  • Funding: département SPE INRAE
  • Duration: 2022-2024
  • Abstract
  • Contact: Anne Sicard

PROVIBE : Protection against Beet Viruses

Logo Provibe
  • Funding: Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire
  • Duration: 2021-2023
  • Contact: Véronique Brault


SelGenVit : Genomic selection for vine improvement to diversify and deploy resistant varieties with high oenological potential

  • Funding: Agence nationale de la recherche
  • Duration: 2020-2024
  • Contact: Komlan Avia

Vaccivine 2 : developing premunition as a biocontrol method against court-noué

Logo Vaccivine2
  • Funding: PNDV (France Agrimer, CNIV), Région Grand Est, CIVA, CIVC, BIVB, MHCS, Pépinières Guillaume, Artémis Domaine
  • Duration: 2022-2027
  • Contact: Emmanuelle Vigne



  • Financeurs : Ecophyto II+, OFB, Association Biodyvin, Association Bidoynamie Recherche, Association GIEE VITIREPERE
  • Durée : 2022-2025
  • Contact: Jean Masson

VITAE : Cultivating vines without pesticides: towards agroecological viticultural socio-ecosystems

  • Funding: Programme Prioritaire de Recherche Cultiver et Protéger Autrement (PPR-CPA)
  • Duration: 2021-2026
  • Contact: Pere Mestre

WiVitis : Strategies for vineyards resilient to climate change

Logo WiVitis
Logo Interreg
  • Funding: Union Européenne, Interreg Rhin Supérieur
  • Duration:  2023-2026
  • Contact: Philippe Hugueney


Modification date: 13 May 2024 | Publication date: 09 October 2023 | By: INRAE Grand Est-Colmar